
Busted: Did Obama really say “Poor Philippines Under Aquino Term”? No, it’s totally EDITED

If he did make that statement, it would have been all over the LEGITIMATE news sites. But try searching for these words in Google – “Obama poor Philippines BuzzFeed News” – and nothing would turn up, except Obama’s previous sit-downs with Buzzfeed.


But go to YouTube and search using “Obama BuzzFeed news CNN” and among the videos that would pop up is that of Obama’s BuzzFeed interview on February 10, 2015, a portion of which was featured on CNN television program “Erin Burnett’s Outfront.”

Obama Poor Philippines Aquino Term

If you click on that video and go straight to the 2:17 mark and pause it, you will see a familiar moment – the same photo that was edited by some Photoshop experts to make it seem like Obama commented “Poor Philippines under Aquino term.”

Orig Buzzfeed interview with Obama

But in the original BuzzFeed interview featured on CNN, Obama was instead discussing America’s attempt to rescue ISIS hostage. This came after the death of the ISIS hostage, American aid worker Kayla Mueller.

Since the headline of CNN’s Breaking News was completely edited in the photo that is now circulating on Facebook, just look at the news ticker on the lower part of the screen that read “[R]esolution of the conflict in Syria” and “Friend says Kayla…” These are exactly similar to the edited photo. Feel free to compare.

You can watch the original video of the Obama interview below:


It pays to do our research if we don’t want to fall victim to the trolls who are still operating out there. They use the Internet to spread the wrong information, but we can also use it to discredit malicious information.

Be Informed. Beat the Trolls, Share the Truth!


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