It seems like Manila Times columnist Rigoberto “Bobi” Tiglao was one of those who believed that the Philippine Daily Inquirer misled the people by using the photo of an El Shaddai gathering in Luneta for a report about the “Start the Healing” rally on Edsa on November 3. However, he later deleted the post and apologized to the Inquirer reporter, whom he called out for using a fake photo and writing fake news.
On November 6, Pathricia Ann V. Roxas, the Inquire reporter mentioned by Tiglao in his post, took to Facebook to clarify the false accusations against her report and the photo that was used.
In her post, she included a screenshot of Tiglao’s accusations against her:
“Fake news, and worse, fake photo.
The reporter was one Pathricia Ann V. Roxas (yes with an “H”) claiming thousands of people joined the event. The photo was credited to her. Her photo was a rally of El Shaddai LAST year and in Luneta.
The second photo is screen grab of video at the end of the article of the “prayer meeting” at the People Power Monument.”

Roxas also included screenshots of a Facebook post by Arroyo’s former adviser on special concerns Abe Purugganan, who made the same accusation against Inquirer and the post of another netizen to the group “Bongbong Marcos United.” Meme Buster also debunked these posts in our article, “Busted: Was Inquirer photo of ‘Start the Healing’ rally really of El Shaddai rally? No, it wasn’t!”
Roxas also included a post by political commentator and Manila Times columnist Antonio Contreras, who admitted to deleting the “wrong photo” accusation he leveled at the Inquirer after Tiglao called his attention. However, he insisted that while the photo was not fake, he described it as an “angled one” to make the Edsa crowd appear as though it was 20,000. He also pointed out how the Inquirer even changed its opening sentence.

After Tiglao called her out, Roxas showed, through screenshots, how she messaged the Manila Times columnist to tell him that she stood by her story and her photos of the “Start the Healing” rally.

In their exchange, Tiglao said he deleted his post and apologized to Roxas. But when the she asked him to issue a public apology after he also publicly called her out, he refused saying, “If it was published I have to issue retraction. But IT was just a post which I deleted.”
He further said, “Ano ba gusto mo at sinabi ko nga sa iyo na mali ako, I apologize, Ive deleted the post.”
Tiglao even said further that Roxas’ photo still seemed ‘slightly’ fake because of the way it was angled.
In her Facebook post, Roxas emphasized that she stands by her stories and her photos, offered to have anyone check the other photos and videos that she posted about the event on her Twitter account, and noted how Tiglao refused to publicly make his admission that he was wrong in his earlier false accusation.
“On the allegations that the photo used in my articles during the CBCP’s “Lord Heal Our Land” event yesterday was fake, and that it was taken from an El Shaddai prayer rally: Let’s keep it short and based on facts. I stand by my stories & photos. You may check additional videos and photos from my tweets yesterday (@PathRoxasINQ). I was there (from the mass at the Edsa shrine, up to the march towards and the program at the People Power Monument). A simple Google reverse image search would also prove this easily. Mr. Bobi Tiglao took down his post after he admitted he’s wrong. But he refused to publicly correct his claim. Hence, this post.”
She also addressed Contreras’ accusation about her photo being angled and about the Inquirer changing their description of the number of attendees.
“On Mr. Antonio Contreras’ claims: He’s talking about two separate stories. It was also clear that the 20k crowd estimate came from the organizers, while the PNP said it was only at 5,500 as of 5:30 p.m., Sunday. Both figures were mentioned in my stories. Hope they read it. On his claim that I “angled the photo & the story to make it appear that 20k” attended the event. Really? Is there such a way? Photos and videos I took won’t lie.”
“Sorry, you may be known columnists from a legitimate newspaper but I refuse to let you control the narrative,” Roxas added.